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But Hunt said that based on the passwords being shared, it was unlikely Spotify had been hacked. Rather, it appeared that attackers had been using lists of email addresses obtained elsewhere and testing various passwords - especially weak ones - to see which ones gave them access to accounts.


You can set up the Activity Stream filter to have email messages that are less important, such as newsletters and social update communications, delivered to the Activity Stream folder instead of your Inbox. The Activity Stream Folder is added to your personal folders list in the Overview pane.

In the Allow messages from text box, enter email addresses you trust that for some reason end up in your Junk folder, such as newsletters you subscribe to. Messages from these email addresses are never blocked. You can list up to 100 addresses.

When autocomplete is used to select a distribution list, the bubble includes a + (plus) sign to identify the address as a distribution list. You can click the + to expand the list to display distribution list members. You can also click on an address in the list to send an individual email to the selected addressee.

In the To text box, enter the email addresses of the person or persons to whom you are sending the message. Either type the address or click To to search through your contacts or the global address list.

The auto complete feature suggests names as you type into the To, Cc, and Bcc fields in a new message. A list of possible addresses from your contacts in which either the first name, last name, or email address starts with the text you typed is displayed.

For example, to send an email message to David Brinks, whose email address is, when you type D, a list appears showing all possible matches, with the matching portions highlighted. In this case, it might display:

The order of the conditions is not important. You can choose whether the email message must match all conditions or just meet any one of the listed conditions. You can also use a negative condition. For example, you can filter an email message that does not contain a particular word. Filter conditions are not case-sensitive.

User-defined folders. Folders you create to organize your email are displayed in the Folders list in the Overview pane. Top-level folder names cannot be the same as any other top-level folder in your email, calendar, or address book folders.

The flag icon in the message list is a yes/no indicator that denotes whether the email message has been flagged. This can be used to indicate an action- needed item or to distinguish the message or conversation from other items of lesser importance.

You can add contacts to any of your contact lists. Only a name is required to create a contact, or you can create detailed contact forms that include full name, multiple email addresses, work, home, and other addresses, phone numbers, and an image. You can also create group contact lists.

Your email administrator can set a maximum limit for the number of entries you can have in all your contact lists. When you reach this maximum, you cannot add any more contacts. You can delete contacts to free up space.

You can combine multiple email addresses into a Contact Group when you want to send the same message to everyone in the group. The Contact Group is assigned a name, called an email alias. When you email a group contact name, everyone whose address is included in the contact group list is added to the address field.

Any contact lists you create can be deleted. When contact names are deleted, they no longer appear in your contact list and information is not available from the name tool tips for the address auto-completion or from the address search dialog in the email compose window.

A distribution list, also known as a mailing list, is a group of mail addresses contained in a list with a common mail address. When an email message is sent to a distribution list, the email is sent to everyone whose address is included in the distribution list.

Enter a Display Name for the distribution list. If you want a name other than the email address of the distribution list, enter a display name and this is used throughout ZWC as the general name of the list.

You can subscribe to a distribution list if you know the name of the list and you are given the option to subscribe to the list, meaning it is open to new subscriptions. If the distribution list is not open to subscriptions, you must send an email message to the owner of the list and ask to be added.

If some attendees are not required to be at the meeting, but you want to invite them, select Show Optional and type email address in the field. You can also do this in the Scheduler. Click the icon next to the name and select Optional Attendee. When the invite is sent, their names are listed as optional.

In April 2016, customer data obtained from the streaming app known as "17" appeared listed for sale on a Tor hidden service marketplace. The data contained over 4 million unique email addresses along with IP addresses, usernames and passwords stored as unsalted MD5 hashes.

In mid-2018, the online photography community 500px suffered a data breach. The incident exposed almost 15 million unique email addresses alongside names, usernames, genders, dates of birth and either an MD5 or bcrypt password hash. In 2019, the data appeared listed for sale on a dark web marketplace (along with several other large breaches) and subsequently began circulating more broadly. The data was provided to HIBP by a source who requested it to be attributed to "".

In December 2016, a huge list of email address and password pairs appeared in a "combo list" referred to as "Anti Public". The list contained 458 million unique email addresses, many with multiple different passwords hacked from various online systems. The list was broadly circulated and used for "credential stuffing", that is attackers employ it in an attempt to identify other online systems where the account owner had reused their password. For detailed background on this incident, read Password reuse, credential stuffing and another billion records in Have I Been Pwned.

In January 2023, 1.4M records from the Autotrader online vehicle marketplace appeared on a popular hacking forum. Autotrader stated that the "data in question relates to aged listing data that was generally publicly available on our site at the time and open to automated collection methods". The data contained 20k unique email addresses alongside physical addresses and phone numbers of dealers and vehicle details including VIN numbers. The data was provided to HIBP by a source who requested it be attributed to "IntelBroker".

In mid-2017, a spam list of over 105 million individuals in corporate America was discovered online. Referred to as "B2B USA Businesses", the list categorised email addresses by employer, providing information on individuals' job titles plus their work phone numbers and physical addresses. Read more about spam lists in HIBP.

In approximately March 2020, the Brazilian recruitment website Catho was compromised and subsequently appeared alongside 20 other breached websites listed for sale on a dark web marketplace. The breach included almost 11 million records with 1.2 million unique email addresses. Names, usernames and plain text passwords were also exposed. The data was provided to HIBP by

In January 2019, a large collection of credential stuffing lists (combinations of email addresses and passwords used to hijack accounts on other services) was discovered being distributed on a popular hacking forum. The data contained almost 2.7 billion records including 773 million unique email addresses alongside passwords those addresses had used on other breached services. Full details on the incident and how to search the breached passwords are provided in the blog post The 773 Million Record "Collection #1" Data Breach.

In January 2016, a large number of unpatched vBulletin forums were compromised by an actor known as "CrimeAgency". A total of 140 forums had data including usernames, email addresses and passwords (predominantly stored as salted MD5 hashes), extracted and then distributed. Refer to the complete list of the forums for further information on which sites were impacted.

In December 2018, the data science website DataCamp suffered a data breach of records dating back to January 2017. The incident exposed 760k unique email and IP addresses along with names and passwords stored as bcrypt hashes. In 2019, the data appeared listed for sale on a dark web marketplace (along with several other large breaches) and subsequently began circulating more broadly. The data was provided to HIBP by a source who requested it to be attributed to "".

In December 2018, the video messaging service Dubsmash suffered a data breach. The incident exposed 162 million unique email addresses alongside usernames and PBKDF2 password hashes. In 2019, the data appeared listed for sale on a dark web marketplace (along with several other large breaches) and subsequently began circulating more broadly. The data was provided to HIBP by a source who requested it to be attributed to "".

In mid-2021, Risk Based Security reported on a database sourced from Ducks Unlimited being traded online. The data dated back to January 2021 and contained 1.3M unique email addresses across both a membership list and a list of website users. Impacted data included names, phones numbers, physical addresses, dates of birth and passwords stored as unsalted MD5 hashes. 041b061a72



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